
September 02, 2024

Changes to the FastCube .NET License Agreement and Terms of Use

New license agreement for FastCube .NET will come into effect at September 30, 2024
October 26, 2016

New version of FastCube VCL - 2.6

In the new version we added an ability to restrict user from slice reconfiguration.Restrictions should be set for each zone separately in the zone Restrictions property. For the moment 3 types of restrictions are implemented: - zrDontMoveItems - disable field list change for the zone. The restrictions prevents from add, remove and move fields in the zone. - zrDontShowPopupMenu - disable zone context menu popup.- zrDontEditItemProperties - disable zone/field property editor showing. Several restrictions can be set simultaneously. Added an ability to control zone field list change by TfcxSlice events:-OnBeforeRemoveSliceFieldFromRegion: TfcxSliceFieldRegionChange - is called before field remove.-OnBeforeAddSliceFieldToRegion: TfcxSliceFieldRegionChange - is called before field add.-OnAfterAddSliceFieldToRegion: TfcxSliceFieldRegionChanged - is called after field add. TfcxSliceFieldRegionChange = procedure(ASliceFieldName: String; ARegionOfField: TfcxRegionOfField; var AAllow: Boolean) of Object; TfcxSliceFieldRegionChanged = procedure(ARegionFieldIndex: Integer; ARegionOfField: TfcxRegionOfField) of Object; OnBefore* events allow to cancel operation with field ASliceFieldName in the region ARegionOfField by changing AAllow to False. Fixed slice fields format handling.Now slice field format change instatly refreshes the slice grid, and does not change the format of other fields with the same data type.Additionally to that slice field format is saved and restored to/from the schema. Added new measure field property:TfcxMeasureField.ChangeNullToZero: booleanWhen the property is set to True the empty measure cells (cells which have no data) are shown with the value 0. For more details check the full list of changes.
September 01, 2016

New version of FastReport .NET - 2016.4

New version of FastReport .NET is out!  What's new? ✔WebReport object received interactive functions support: work with bookmarks, hyperlinks, links to the detailed report, link to the detailed report page, drill-downs. Added support of onClick event handling in the script during report presentation in web browser ✔PDF export now can build files that correspond to graphic standard PDF/X-3 with the support of color profiles for printing. Moreover, export gained the ability to save images without any quality loss. ✔FastReport .NET now can receive data from Sharepoint/Office365 and use it for report development. More changes and fixes:    [Core] + added new HtmlObject for using in the WebReport or HTML export + added event Report.CustomCalc for custom data processing - fixed issue with incorrect assembly loading in report script [Designer] + added TextOutline editor - fixed bug with disappearing of part PolyLineObject, PolygonObject after preview [Exports] + added compliance with PDF/X-3 in PDF export + added new property PDFExport.PDFCompliance + added property PDFExport.ColorProfile for using in PDF/X-3 compliance mode + added support of export pictures with lossless compression in PDF export + added property PDFExport.ImageLossless + added IsScrolled property in XAML export * depercated properties: PDFExport.PdfA, PDFExport.PdfACompliance) - fixed bug with html tags in Excel 2007 export - fixed bug with wrong format of negative value of cell with CustomFormat in Excel 2007 export - fixed bug with line-height in HtmlObject in HTML export - fixed bug with skipping sequences spaces in TextObject for Excel2007 and HTML exports - fixed bug with handling control symbols in Excel2007Export - fixed bug with encryption in PDF export - fixed bug with validation of PDF/A compliance with hyperlinks in report [WebReport] + added hyperlinks on bookmarks functionality (works only with Layers = true) + added hyperlinks on page number functionality (works only with Layers = true) + added click event handler functionality (works only with Layers = true) + added detailed reports - hyperlinks on hidden report page or report file (works only with Layers = true) + added new property WebReport.ShowTabCloseButton (default value: false) + added new property WebReport.TabPosition (default value: TabPosition.InsideToolbar) + added new example for Single Page Application \Demos\C#\Web\SPADemo * improved memory consumption * improved caching of reports - fixed bug with downloading in Android - fixed bug in WebReport with CacheDelay in MVC applications - fixed bug with URLEncoded Cookies in Online Designer call-back - fixed bug with null ID in MVC - fixed bug with skipping lead spaces in TextObject - fixed bug with page breaks on printing from browser [Extras] + added connector SharePoint/"Office 365" \Extras\Connections\FastReport.SharePoint * updated German resources
July 27, 2016

New version of FastReport FMX + FastScript

We're pleased to announce that FastReport FMX 2 and FastScript now support new version of Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin! There are also some improvements and bug fixes we made in our products. Here are some of them:   FastReport FMX 2: + Added support of Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin includes compatibility fixes for new FMX framework+ Added support of HTML tags in Memo object for export filters (RTF)- Minor changes in objects draw mechanism- Fixed problem in PDF export with long text lines cuts off- Fixed bug in stretched Memo with Line spacing- Fixed bug with clipping of Memo object- Fixed bug with font scale during printing when application compiled with RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin   FastScript: + Added support of Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin- Fixed problem with syntax memo in FMX framework- Fixed small memo leak in methods helper- Fixed Rtti declaration for some methods in FMX framework
June 01, 2016

New FastReport .NET

✓  The new FastReport version - 2016.3  has additional report objects – PolyLineObject - broken curve, PolygonObject – closed polygon with filling. The user also can edit the already prepared objects PolyLineObject/PolygonObject through moving, adding or removing the anchor point ✓ Report page received 2 new properties: Page.UnlimitedPaperHeight and Page.UnlimitedPaperWidth. They enable “infinite page” mode, when the report page’s size adjusts to objects position. This feature will be helpful for reports with tables with growing width and matrix without bringing them forward. It will also come in handy when creating a column report with further exporting in Excel – all the data will be placed on one page without breaking it with page headline and foot bands. Besides, it will be useful for Web reports, when there’s no need to stick with certain page size. ✓  Added new PDF export property – ShowPrintDialog. It helps creating a PDF document that displays print dialog in a PDF viewer (for example, Adobe Acrobat) right after opening. It’s useful when printing PDF in online reports ✓  PDF files can be created without font embedding – the entire text can be built in curves. This capability is activated by PDFExport.TextInCurves property. Building text in curves increases size of the resulting files, but it can be useful when you need to create invariable document without ability to copy the text and without reference to the installed fonts. As well as when creating PDF files for printing industry. ✓  By popular demand we rearranged mechanism of creating the dash dot line in PDF file. It was necessary for getting around the printing error when printing such lines from the Chrome browser’s internal viewer – dash dot lines were displayed correctly but were not printed. ✓  Added new export to JSON format for data exchange of the built report. For data consolidation it's better to use the “infinite page” mode.   [Core]+ added new objects PolyLineObject, PolygonObject+ added properties Page.UnlimitedPaperHeight, Page.UnlimitedPaperWidth* updated rotation drawing for angle of images [Designer]+ added welcome window displayed on the designer startup+ added splash screen showing during loading designer+ added new toolbar for editing of PolyLineObject, PolygonObject+ added unsaved report indication in window title+ added unlimited page width and height options to PageSetup window [Exports]+ added Bold, Italic simulation for "MS UI Gothic" font and similar in PDF export+ added export in JSON+ added property PDFExport.ShowPrintDialog for showing the print dialog after opening the PDF document+ added export PolyLineObject, PolygonObject in PDF+ added property PDFExport.TextInCurves for creating the PDF document without fonts+ added possibility to send multiple reports as attachments in Email export+ added ToMultipleFiles property in XAML export* improved export in Excel 2007 with enabled property Seamless* improved drawing of dash-dot lines in PDF export for correct printing from the Chrome- Fixed bug with <div> style(numbers format) in Html Layers export- fixed bug with pictures with size over the page in PDF export- fixed bug with paths in exports: XAML, SVG, PostScript, PPML- fixed bug with shadows in HTML export- fixed bug with TextObject.Underlines in HTML export- fixed bug with images hash counting in PDF export- fixed bug with hyperlinks in Trial version in PDF export- fixed bug(Header added) in PostScript export- fixed bug with fonts in PostScript export [WebReport]+ added properties Left, Top, Width, Height in CustomDrawEventArgs (can be used in WebReport.CustomDraw)+ added showing Print Dialog in print in PDF+ added properties WebReport.DocxRowHeightIs, WebReport.PdfShowPrintDialog+ added function WebReport.PrintInPdf(bool ShowPrintDialog) for setup showing the Print Dialog in PDF* usage examples of WebReport are updated and relocated to the \Demos\C#\Web folder* updated internal jQuery to v1.12.3- fixed bug with CustomDraw event inside TableObject and Matrix- fixed bug with incorrect MIME type in inline PDF printing- fixed bug with switching Localization in ASP.NET (not MVC) [Extras]+ added JsonConnectionEditor.cs in FastReport.Json connector (\Extras\Connections\FastReport.Json) [Online Report Designer]+ added viewing of existing Highlights expressions in the report+ added resize of component in any dimension
May 30, 2016

New version of FastReport Mono - 2016.1

New Version of FastReport Mono 2016 includes all recent capabilites of FastReport .Net 2016. For instance - new ability of multiple use of FastReport .Mono and Online Report Designer. Now you can also produce documents that will comply with archive standart PDF/A. New types of Barcodes -  Aztec, Plessey, GS1-128/EAN-128. Lots of other improvements called to simplify report generation on Mono framework! + added support of Online Report Designer in WebReport+ added support PDF/A in PDF export+ added barcodes Aztec, Plessey, GS1-128/EAN-128+ added new Gauge objects+ added exports in XAML, SVG, PPML, PostScript+ added property CSVExport.NoQuotes in CSV export+ added properties in WebReport: DesignReport, DesignScriptCode, DesignerPath, DesignerSavePath, DesignerSaveCallBack, PrintInBrowser, SinglePage+ added property WebReport.XlsxSeamless for export tables without brakes in Excel 2007 export+ added property WebReport.EmbedPictures (embedded pictures in HTML)+ added property WebReport.DesignerLocale (sets an interface language for Online Report Designer)+ added property EmbedPictures(images inside html code) in HTML export+ added property WebReport.RefreshTimeout (refresh timeout in seconds, 0 – auto refresh disabled), the property useful for Dashboards + added outline for text with color selection, width and line style (property TextObject.TextOutline)+ added event for drawing the custom objects in WebReport or override drawing any standard object (WebReport.CustomDraw), works only with enabled WebReport.Layer+ added support layered HTML in WebReport (WebReport.Layers) with better WYSIWYG+ added support of TextObject.TextOutline in PDF export+ added support LineHeight, ParagraphOffset in HTML export+ added html tags filtration in CSV export+ added text clipping functionality (TextObject.Clip) in PDF export+ added property PDFExport.ShowPrintDialog for showing the print dialog on opening the PDF document* updated internal jQuery up to v1.12.3- fixed bug in WebReport with downloading files from IE8 in Windows XP- fixed bug with several WebReport objects in one page- fixed bug with multiline TextObject in dialogs in WebReport
April 27, 2016

New version of FastReport VCL 5

With new FastReport VCL 5.5 version we have added support of new developer environment Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin.Also, new version brings a lot of improvements and new features for Lazarus, like internal Charts, PDF export and some compatibility fixes.For VCL we have Improved work of FastReport with high-dpi screen resolution and of course a lot of small improvements and bug fixes such as: + Added Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin support for x32 and x64 windows platforms+ [Lazarus] Added export to PDF+ [Lazarus] Added support of native Lazarus Chart component+ Added HTML tags and line spacing support for DOCX export+ Added SynPDF Export demo+ Added TfrxPrintMode support in the frxClassRTTI+ Improved picture cache- [Lazarus] Fixed images printing- [Lazarus] Fixed compatibility with x64 platforms- [Enterpise] Fixed CGI and ISAPI demos- [Enterprise] Fixed problem with images and dialog forms- Fixed problems (wrogn scale of Charts, Barcodes, RTF) with non dpi-aware applications with big scale factor (150% and more)- Fixed export to PDF for FCharSpacing <> 0 and HAlign = haBlock- Fixed exporting of Unicode characters to ODF for non-Unicode IDE- Fixed exporting of text with empty lines at the end to XLSX- Fixed access to resource (frc) file- Fixed empty text with HTML tags exporting to ODF- Fixed horizontal align in the ODF export- Fixed zoom after drill-down- Fixed bins' list refreshing when TfrxReport.PrintOptions.Printer changed in the designer- Fixed wrapping of the paragraph's first line with ParagraphGap- Fixed bug with page's color ant frame in the PDF export- Fixed exporting date to BIFF8- Fixed BIFF8 export for reports with more then 1025 pages- Fixed exporting text with non-printable chars in the XLSX export- Fixed "Canvas does not allow drawing" error in the TfrxRichView- Fixed style's font for HighDPI- Fixed object's export to images if object's height or width < 1 for PDF- Fixed parent for objects with Left < 0- Fixed haBlock alignment for RTL languages for PDF- Fixed reading confirmation for SMTP- Fixed Standart Report Wizard- Fixed restoring of preview's positions after drill-down- Fixed filenames of attachment in the e-mail export- Fixed &FNC1; usage in the Code128C and CodeEAN128C barcodes- [Fast Script] Improved FormatFloat accuracy- Fixed params in the FireDAC components- Fixed printing on high-DPI printers- Fixed numeric formatting in the XLSX export- Fixed FieldNames usage in th DBF export- Fixed Z-order for images in the HTML(Layered) export  
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