
September 02, 2024

Changes to the FastCube .NET License Agreement and Terms of Use

New license agreement for FastCube .NET will come into effect at September 30, 2024
May 10, 2018

New FastReport FMX - 2.6

This new technical release we add support of last Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.2 IDE and fix bugs reported by our customers. Version 2.6---------------+ Added support of Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.2 with compatibility fixes: - Added modal dialog OSX workaround (fixed when dialog appears behind non-modal form) - Fixed wrong barcode text size when printing under OSX - Fixed HTML tags on OSX - Fixed variables editor - Fixed general printers errors under OSX - Fixed printing of HTML text General fixes:+ Added text split for simple text render- Changed text alignment in PDF export- Fixed calcheight function for simple text render under OSX- Fixed Align grid in the report designer- Fixed text search for OSX(frxCompareText)- Fixed several multi-thread problems- Double buffered preview fix for shapes objects- Fixed printing from GDIP context- Fixed parameters editor for RAD Studio 10.1- Fixed TfrxDBLookupComboBox filling- Fixed formatting in PDF export- Fixed text vertical align on windows- Fixed scrollbars in the XE3- Fixed Financial series for TeeChart Pro- Fixed OpenAfterExport in the CSV export  
May 10, 2018

New version of FastReport VCL - 6.1.

In new version : - Extended abilities of "Table" object; - Reworked and improved PDF export; - Added ability to use anchors for report objects; - New ability to fill empty space of page with child band - Optimization of report engine with a lot of report objects in the report designer.     Version 6.1----------------------------- Improved ODT export filter to use different styles for different report pages- Improved ODT export filter to use max page sizes for Continues sheet- Fixed table(objects) width in ODT export filter (doesn't stretch to page width);- Fixed text processing with AllowHTML in ODT export filter- Fixed TfrxDateEditControl with WeekNumbers = True for Windows XP [6.0.10]----------------------------- Fixed bug when OnPreviewClick does not refresh modified object- Fixed performance drop with objects "Shift" mechanism- Fixed C++ Builder issue with TfrxReportPage- Fixed saving of processing property in DFM [6.0.9]----------------------------+ Added support of PDF/A-2 format [6.0.8]----------------------------- Improved rotated text in PDF, SVG and HTML-Div export filters- Fixed bug with expressions processing and Drill-Down groups [6.0.7]----------------------------- Fixed EMF export- Fixed export of table object in graphics export filters- Added Arabic numbers substitution in PDF export (with RTLReading) [6.0.6]----------------------------- Fixed calculating of table cell with vertical Font rotation- Fixed Hindy and Thai ligatures in PDF export- Fixed Char spacing with HAlign in PDF export- Fixed Copy/Paste of internal DB component- Fixed vertical barcodes borders- Fixed ADO parameters in the designer [6.0.5]----------------------------+ Added Anchors for report objects and Dialog controls+ Added Table rtti helpers for TableWidth and TableHeight properties- Fixed bug in IO transports with network path (in DefaultPath)- Improved multi-threading support in PDF export- Fixed bug with bad position of images in PDF export [6.0.4]----------------------------+ Added AutoSize property for barcodes (default true), set it to false prevent component from size changing (changes zoom instead)+ Added MinWidth and MaxWidth for table column can be set ti limit auto size (0 unlimited)+ Added MinHeight and MaxHeight for table row can be set ti limit auto size (0 unlimited)- Fixed bug when using detail report with inheritance and OnLoadTemplate event [6.0.3]----------------------------+ Added new report variables TableRow and TableColumn can be used inside table objects+ Added ability to set path for "Indy" library in Recompile+ Added new align mode baHidden objects with this mode don't collide with others- Fixed line spacing in PDF and SVG exports- Fixed ADO parameters- Fixed highlight editor for group of objects- Fixed issues with band Fill/Frame and aligned objects - Fixed bug in column header with band Frame/Fill- Fixed exporting of report properties in OXML exports- Fixed FNC1 processing in Datamatrix barcode- Fixed PadLeft/PadRight functions under with unicode environment- Fixed issue when used RangeEnd = reCount to limit records of the dataset- Fixed error which can appear after deleting table column [6.0.2]----------------------------+ Added TfrxChild.ToNRows and ToNRowsMode properties allows to fill empty page space (see 15.fr3 report in FRMain demo)- Fixed aggregate functions for table object- Fixed issues when paste data component to report page- Fixed SlaveExport property for export filters [6.0.1]----------------------------+ Added TfrxPreviewOptions.AllowPreviewEdit property - Set it to False to disable any interactive editors in the report preview- Fixed export of images embedded in RichView- Optimization for big tables and big reports (Designer can handle tables with 10000 cells and more)- Fixed vertical band behavior in the report designer- Objects containers like table can be used on vertical bands- Fixed SaveDialog when FileName is empty- Fixed OpenAfterExport behavior- Fixed HTML Tags in RTF export
April 26, 2018

New Version of FastReport Desktop 2018.2

New version of FastReport Desktop includes support of vector images SVG. Such images, as well as all barcodes are now exported to PDF as vectors. RichTextObject received ability to be saved to other formats as texts and not images.  Version 2018.2-----------------+ added print of unlimited pages on roll printers + added a new property ParagraphFormat for formatting paragraphs in a text object only when the HtmlParagraph value is set in the TextRenderType property. This property allows you to adjust the line spacing and the first line indent.* The new text render supports the following tags: b, i, u, strike, br, sub, sup, img, span.+ added a new logic for converting objects before exporting, the process is automatic, this is necessary to convert some objects into vector graphics.- fixed the rendering of the subscript and superscript for the new type of the text renderer HtmlParagraph, when in some cases the size and layout of the text was incorrectly calculated.+ now for exporting the Barcode Object is converted to vector graphics for PDF, HTML and SVG exports- fixed bug with svg objects, that contains "DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC"+ added possibility to set default script language- fixed bug with default script language when standalone designer run first time- fixed rare bug when table is not shown in View Data window- fixed bug in View Data window when columns more that 655* improved image caching method for SVG object- SVGObject exports as SVG into HTML now- fixed bug with screen resolution in Word 2007 export- fixed bug with paragraph formatting in Word 2007 export* improved paragraph based export in Word 2007* reduced size of output file in Word 2007 (duplicate images are not saved)- fixed bug with wrong size of "unlimited" page in Word 2007+ SVGObject exports as vector graphics into PDF now+ added a new tab "Vector Graphics" to export pdf, you able to set the quality of gradients, gradients interpolation and curves interpolation for SVG object and fonts in curves* export in Word 2007 in paragraph based mode saves the document without pagination* added converting to Number format for Excel2007 export- fixed bug with field names in DBF export+ added the TextObject with TextRenderType = HtmlParagraph to pdf, html, word2007 exports+ added checkboxes "Print optimized" in dialogs Word 2007 and Excel 2007+ added an event indicator for objects and bands, a small triangle in the upper left corner; this feature is able to be enabled or disabled in the designer settings (disabled by default)+ added a new tab of the designer's settings: "Objects appearance"+ added property RichTextObject.ConvertRichText for conversion the RichText in text objects on exporting (experimental)+ added paragraph based export in Word 2007 (experimental)* increased speed of export to CSV* increased speed of export to PDF- fixed bug with removing the last character of each row when exporting to CSV without separator- fixed bug with text resources in FTP export- fixed bug with latin characters in interactive PDF in Chrome- fixed bug with large size of PDF files- fixed bug with transparent background of cells in Excel 2007 export- fixed bug with lines and shapes in layered Word 2007 export - fixed bug with checkboxes in layered Word 2007- fixed bug with opening exported files in Excel 2007- fixed bug with slow export of reports with unlimited width or height
April 26, 2018

New version of FastReport Mono

In the latest version of FastReport Mono we significantly renewed and improved WebReport - added support of interactivity and Online Designer. New exports into JSON, LaTeX. Added support of Maps and new data source - CSV. Version 2018---------------------------------------------------+ added support Online Designer in WebReport ( added outline (TOC) of report in WebReport+ added property WebReport.DesignerConfig for storing custom configuration of Online Designer+ added properties WebReport.RequestHeaders, WebReport.ResponseHeaders+ added catching of exceptions on call of WebReport.DesignerSaveCallBack+ added ToolbarBackgroundStyle.None (you can use WebReport.ToolbarColor instead bitmap from style)+ added properties WebReport.UnlimitedWidth, WebReport.UnlimitedHeight for enable Unlimited size for all report pages (default: false - use report settings)+ added property WebReport.Dialogs for enable or disable all report dialogs (default: true - enabled)+ added property WebReport.ShowBackButton to display the "Back" button (return to previous report in the tabbed report)+ added property WebReport.LogFile to log the errors in WebReport, may be combined with WebReport.Debug + added property WebReport.EnableMargins to use page margins in the output (default: false)+ added support of Page.Fill in WebReport+ added support of WebReport background color - WebReport.BackColor (default value: White)+ added hyperlinks on bookmarks functionality (works only with Layers = true)+ added hyperlinks on page number functionality (works only with Layers = true)+ added click event handler functionality (works only with Layers = true)+ added detailed reports - hyperlinks on hidden report page or report file (works only with Layers = true)+ added new property WebReport.ShowTabCloseButton (default value: false)+ added new property WebReport.TabPosition (default value: TabPosition.InsideToolbar)+ added new example for Single Page Application \Demos\C#\Web\SPADemo + added new enum member TabPosition.Hidden for hidding tabs from toolbar+ added properties Left, Top, Width, Height in CustomDrawEventArgs (can be used in WebReport.CustomDraw)+ added showing Print Dialog in print in PDF+ added properties WebReport.DocxRowHeightIs, WebReport.PdfShowPrintDialog+ added function WebReport.PrintInPdf(bool ShowPrintDialog) for setup showing the Print Dialog in PDF+ added event for rendering the custom objects in Web or overriding rendering of standard objects (WebReport.CustomDraw), works only with enabled WebReport.Layer+ added support of layered HTML in WebReport (WebReport.Layers) with better WYSIWYG+ added property WebReport.RefreshTimeout (time for report refresh in seconds, 0 - refresh disabled), this property may be useful for Dashboard functionality + added autosave report templates in designer+ added abilty to save prepared reports into cloud storage+ added export to JSON fomat+ added export to LaTeX format+ improved export to SVG format+ improved export to graphics bitmap formats + improved Gauge object+ added Map object + added new shapes+ added new data source CSV format - fix PostgreSQL issue+ added experimental implementation of RichText object + data access objects has been ported from FR.NET+ added support of OTF files with CFF fonts (OTTO fonts)- fix font weight (!!! you should manually delete previous font.list file - ~/.local/share/FastReport/font.list or C:\Users\YourFolder\Local Settings\FastReport\font.list)- fix command line build under Linux and OSX (xbuild instead of mdtool)- fix clipping area in preview window under Linux and OSX- fixed path to TrueType fonts - fixed horizontal justify for "space before new line" case
March 18, 2018

FastReport VCL 6 is officially released!

FastReport VCL 6 is the next generation of reporting library for Delphi!   What’s new in FastReport VCL 6? Improved report engine expands editing and interactivity abilities. Report objects can be selected and edited instantly even from the preview Expressions post processing and new duplicates processing. Transport input-output filters: now you can save your reports to various cloud storages: DropBox, OneDrive,, Google Drive or send it by email New report objects: Table object – for super easy creating and editing of tabular reports Map object that supports OSM, ESRI and GPX Gauge object New barcodes: Aztec, MaxiCode and linear USPS Improved export filters to PDF, SVG, HTML5 will let you process complicated objects like RichText, Diagrams, Maps and exports them directly as vector/text format And of course report designer couldn’t be left without upgrade: Improved Guide lines allow to move and resize docked objects. Extended script debugger Improved code completion Copying and pasting of not only report objects, but their content as well Enabling and disabling the quick editors Fixes and improvements during beta ----------------------------+ Added Cellular Text object+ Added TfrxPageControl.OnChanging event+ Added new Interactive map layer (it possible to draw on map layer)+ Added ability to copy/paste table's rows/columns+ Added events for PageControl component+ Added Object selection in report preview (Hold Shift and mouse click + move. Use PreviewOptions.Buttons to turn it off)+ Added New copy/paste editors (it's possible to copy content of objects)+ Added TfrxPageControl.HotTrack property+ Added Band.AlignChildren in script Rtti+ Added Rtti module for Table object (and example how to use it)+ Added TfrxPageControl for dialog form+ Added Gauge control for dialog form- Added IO packages to recompile.exe- Improved export of Table and CellularText objects- Improved compatibility with components designed for FR5 (like FastCube report components)- Improved vector export engine- Guidelines now works with table rows/columns- Optimized Table object XML serialization- InPlace editors now stores state in system Registry- Fixed codepage in TfrxRichView under Windows 10- Fixed resorces in export dialogs- Fixed Height calculation of TfrxMemoView with vertical font rotation- Fixed DropDown inplace editor- Fixed copy/paste codepage for Table object- Fixed copy/paste of whole Table object- Added missing text resources- Fixed problem with wrong text wrap in PDF export (in some cases)- Fixed problem with "tight" text in PDF export (symbols overlap each other)- Fixed problem with AutoWidth and Preview- Fixed Error message after closing IDE- Fixed compatibility with C++Builder- Fixed IO filters issue- Removed unused Options from "Options dialog"- Several visual improvements of Designer and Preview UI- Added missing icons for TfrxComponent's- Fixed Horizontal and Vertial text align in SVG and HTML5 exports- Fixed missing IOTransport package for Delphi 2010- Fixed bug with TfrxMemoView.Unerlines- Fixed AV in the PDF export- Fixed MirrorMargins in PDF export- Fixed missing resources for some languages- Fixed preview save dialog without Transport filters- Fixed compressed report- Fixed text kerning in PDF export- Fixed duplicated field in TfrxDBDataSet- Fixed issue with Table object in some exports filters- Fixed compatibility with old E-mail export filter (better to use new Transports)- Fixed Interactive maps with detailed report- Fixed problem with map editor (adjust maps to wrong layers)- Fixed missing default string resources- Fixed error in Code Completion thread when using fsGlobalUnit- Fixed Break points saving in file- Fixed container dialog controls behavior in report designer workspace- Fixed save to file IOTransport registration- Fixed IOTransport network path- Fixed several issues with TfrxPageControl- Moved some fixes and improvements from Fast Report 5 branch- Fixed InPlace data editor
March 06, 2018

New version of FastReport .NET - 2018.2

What's new?  In the latest version of FastReport .Net 2018.2 we added support of TeeChart components for rendering graphs and diagrams. SVG is now an embedded artwork instead of a plugin as in previous versions RichText objects can now be exported to all output formats. We also added support of editable text objects in WebReport and Online Designer FastReport .Net core can now be installed directly from Nuget package manager's central repository   All changes:  [Engine] + SVG is now included as an internal graphic object, not as a plug-in (only for .Net Framework 4)+ added compatibility with Fips Algorithm Policy (with limitations: encryption of PDF export, encryption of report) [.Net Core] - fixed error with packages installation [Designer] + added an event indicator for objects and bands, a small triangle in the upper left corner; this feature is able to be enabled or disabled in the designer settings (disabled by default)+ added a new tab of the designer's settings: "Objects appearance"- fixed import from rdl 2010 report template [Exports] + added property RichTextObject.ConvertRichText for conversion the RichText in text objects on exporting+ added paragraph based export in Word 2007 (experimental), property Word2007Export.ParagraphBased* increased speed of export to CSV* improved speed of PDF export- fixed bug with removing the last character of each row when exporting to CSV without separator- fixed bug with text resources in FTP export- fixed bug with latin characters in interactive PDF in Chrome- fixed bug with large size of PDF files- fixed bug with transparent background of cells in Excel 2007 export- fixed bug with lines and shapes in layered Word 2007 export - fixed bug with checkboxes in layered Word 2007- fixed bug with default value Word2007Export.Wysiwyg- fixed bug with opening exported files in Excel 2007- fixed bug with slow export of reports with unlimited width or height [WebReport] + added support for editable TextObject and CheckBoxObject+ added properties WebReport.DocxWysiwyg, WebReport.DocxParagraphBased- fixed position of loading indicator- fixed bug with null pointer in service javascript code [Extras] + added Steema TeeChart object plugin (\Extras\Misc\TeeChartObjectPlugin) added new demo \Demos\C#\PrintZPL [Online Designer] + added ability of horizontal resizing the bands + added online/offline notifications+ added offline working of designer with service workers+ added property Editable for text objects and checkboxes+ added component SimpleProgressGauge* changed style of tooltips on moving the components - fixed bug with adding the components in dialog page- fixed bug with incorrect drawing the resize line of the band- fixed bug with incorrect selection of DataSource for DataBand on save a report
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