
September 02, 2024

Changes to the FastCube .NET License Agreement and Terms of Use

New license agreement for FastCube .NET will come into effect at September 30, 2024
March 30, 2017

FastReport goes printless*

The newest report generator FastReport Desktop Green Edition has a disabled Print option.    Therefore you will never have to deal with empty paper trays, "Low ink" indicators and shredders again. It's a real thing! Check out our infomercial and never return to printing again!      *Happy April Fools'
March 27, 2017

FastReport 5.6 with RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo support

With support of new IDE new version brings few new features and lots of improvements. Also we're making FastReport 5 better not only for Delphi, but for Lazarus too. New version gives ability to build Lazarus application with GTK widgets. What else?  + Added Embarcadero RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo support for x32 and x64 windows platforms+ Added Sup, Sub tag support for TfrxHTMLExport+ Added TfrxPDFExport.SaveOriginalImages property. True by default+ Added GS1 support for Code128C, EAN128C barcodes+ Added sorting of printers by name in the printer's list+ Added Norwegian resources+ Added TfrxFDTable support in the frxFDRTTI+ Added #0..#31 chars support in the Code128A+ Added TfrxBarcodeView.TestLine property+ Added TfrxRichEditor form state storing+ [Lazarus] Added support of GTK widget- Fixed frx2xto30.pas for XE2 and later- Increased PaperSizes count limit to 512- [Lazarus] Fixed scrolling in designer- Fixed smMaxHeight in TfrxRichView- Fixed TfrxXLSXExport for file with 1000 worksheets- Fixed TfrxPreviewPages.ClearPageCache- Fixed TfrxIBXQuery.ExecSQL- Fixed new event insert if main procedure of the script have line with "// begin"- Fixed component's name after Drag&Drop from Data Tree for fields with Unicode characters- Fixed TfrxBarcodeView baCenter, baRight align- Fixed reprint on new page and group keeping bug- Fixed update parameters after loading for TfrxADOQuery- Fixed preview's toolbar for RAD Studio Berlin 10.1 Update 2 when VCL styles applied- Fixed TfrxReport.PrintOptions.Duplex usage- Fixed printing of PNG images- Fixed TfrxReport.ReportOptions.Author in the DOCX, PPTX and XLSX exports- Fixed vsExport usage for export filters- Fixed export of non-alphanumeric chars (<, >, &) inside HTMLTags in the ODF export- [FastScript] Fixed Format function- Fixed HTMLTags in the TfrxMemoView- Fixed calculation of hyperlink expressions- Fixed image size in the DOCX export- Fixed MSI barcode- Fixed exporting of objects' hyperlinks to encrypted PDF- Fixed export to continuous XLSX for reports with many pictures- Fixed export of frames with width < 1 to HTML- Fixed export of empty pages to XLSX- Fixed band's with barcodes stretching- Fixed KeepChild behavior for TfrxReportTitle child bands- Fixed custom number format in the ODF export- [Lazarus] Fixed printer selection in the print dialog- Fixed export of hyperlinks with hkPageNumber kind when page number greater than pages count- Fixed component's name after Drag&Drop from Data Tree for some cases- Fixed "Divizion by zero" error with pmSplit print mode- Fixed PrintOnSheeet in the Print Dialog for some cases- [Lazarus] Fixed default printer in the print dialog- Fixed export images to BIFF8 for x64- [Lazarus] Fixed printer selection before print properties dialog- Fixed RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin size of dialog page issue in the designer- Fixed exporting of numbers with '%' in the format string (like #,##0.###%) in the BIFF8 export- [Enterprise] Fixed "Report not found" error message- Fixed "Print to file" option for GDI reports- Fixed export to PDF with embedded fonts and empty memos- Fixed export to PDF for HAlign = haBlock (GapX used now)- Fixed font's embedding for protected PDF if EmbedFontsIfProtected = False and EmbeddedFonts = True- Fixed exporting of TfrxShapeView to XLSX and DOCX exports- Fixed exporting of Unicode characters in the memos with HTML tags to DOCX for non-Unicode IDE- Fixed TfrxPreviewButtons in the frxClassRTTI- Fixed parent for objects for some cases- Fixed font's name in the ODF export
February 15, 2017

New version of FastReport .NET - 2017.2

✔ In the new version of FastReport.Net we added new barcode – Pharmacode. This kind of barcode is used in pharmaceutical industry. In FastReport .Net it can be created in any color ✔ New addition to the list of database connectors – we added plugin for popular open source nosql database – RavenDB ✔ By popular demand we added export to binar format Excel 97-2003, also known as BIFF8 ✔ FastReport dotnet received support of right to left orientation both in user interface and report engine ✔ We also did some further code optimization, bug fixind and multiple improvements  Here's a video version of the main changes overview:    [Core] + added new barcode: Pharmacode+ added new option for images: Grayscale display mode+ added ability to change the color of barcodes+ added caching of compiled report script- fixed bug with losing precision in totals- fixed bug with enabled ReportPage.UnlimitedHeight and ReportPage.PrintOnPreviousPage- fixed bug with null initialization in text objects- fixed bug with deserialization on saving from On-line Designer [Designer] + added support of Right-to-Left Interface (RTL)+ added a new property to MSChartObject, that allows to use several series with automatic creation- fixed bug when instead of creating a new data source, editing of selected data source was opening [Preview] + added support of Right-to-Left Interface (RTL)+ added mouse-relative zoom [Exports] + added export in Excel 97-2003 (BIFF8)+ added ability to insert images in original resolution when exporting to PDF+ in the PDF export window added ability to select a color space* improved quality of images in Excel 2007 export* changed work of export to Dropbox for using API 2.0 instead API 1.0* added converting to Date format for Excel2007 export* improved SVG export: added embedding images in file, HasMultipleFiles option was added, improved text rendering, text with angle, underlines added- fixed bug with blank pages in Excel 2007 export- fixed bug in PDF and HTML exports with vertical position of text which height is bigger than object height- fixed bug with metafile images in RTFExport- fixed bug with Vertical Alignment = bottom in PDF export- fixed transparent images appearance in XPS export- fixed export empty images in XPS- fixed bug in preview of CSV export with small amount of rows [Extras] + added RavenDB connector \Extras\Connections\FastReport.RavenDB+ added SQL Anywhere connector \Extras\Connections\FastReport.SqlAnywhere+ added new report demos: Pharmacode, Box [WebReport] + added ToolbarBackgroundStyle.None (you can use WebReport.ToolbarColor instead bitmap from style)+ added properties WebReport.UnlimitedWidth, WebReport.UnlimitedHeight for enable Unlimited size for all report pages (default: false - use report settings)+ added property WebReport.Dialogs for enable or disable all report dialogs (default: true - enabled)- fixed bug with handling of onClick event in WebReport [Online Designer] + added HTML object+ added Pharmacode barcode+ added page's properties UnlimitedHeight and UnlimitedWidth+ added barcode's property Color+ added grayscale property support for PictureObject* resize gui elements are always shown on resize component- fixed the issue with showing context menu on touch devices on long tap- fixed dblclick bug on PictureObject- fixed bug, related to building the designer with disabled code editor- fixed DataBand dblclick bug- fixed bug, related to showing default components of Dialog in report tree on create new Dialog
December 28, 2016

New version of FastReport FMX

In the current release we've done everything for optimization of FastReport FMX, especially for Mac OS! We've optimized everything from report core and up to the text rendering on screen. In new version the preview window uses double buffering and redraws only new region of the page, which makes report preview smoother when scroll report pages . Starting from XE7 all text output of report objects is performed by FastReport FMX methods bypassing the standard text output. Such approach allows to speed up text rendering through font caching ten times! The report core has also undergone some changes. For faster text comparison we imported new function from Carbon library, it decreases time of report building on Mac OS. Changes also touch calculations of report objects: now report engine calculates all sizes with font cache. The object split mechanism was changed as well to make D2D and GDIP contexts compatible for calculation of objects sizes. Full list of changes:---------------+ New double buffered preview. It draws only objects which appear on screen (increase preview performance)+ New native text rendering with font caching starts with XE7 significant increase all text rendering and calculation* Improved rendering behavior to minimize differences between GDIP and D2D contexts (when report calculates sizes with one context and print with another)* Optimized rendering of report designer controls (Inspector, workspace, Rulers)* Optimization in the report engine* Improved split mechanism+ Added new faster text comparison from Carbon framework for Mac OS+ Added LineSpacing support for PDF export- Changes Width and Height calculation for report objects- Bitmap preview cache is optional now (use PreviewOptions.PagesInPictureCache)- Fixed FireDac rtti module- Fixed Alias editor for RAD Studio Berlin- Fixed background image in HTML export- Fixed incorrect frames draw for report object- Fixed JPEG images export- Fixed bug with unlimited pages when preview doesn't show pages- Fixed visual behavior of few object editors- Fixed PDF export memory leaks- Fixed TfrxSysMemoView editor- Fixed report inheritance from report template in the designer
December 05, 2016

New version of FastReport .NET

FastReport .NET 2017.1  What are the new features brought by this release? ✔ FastReport became faster and lighter due to the optimization of the code responsible for report building and its export to different formats ✔ Ability of immediate access to CSV text files. Convenient parameter setting of loading CSV files allows using any data from Excel tables and other applications that support CSV export. ✔ Added MongoDB connector to the bundled plugins for connecting to a number of DataBase Management Systems. ✔ PDF export now supports graphic standard PDF/X-4. Ability to add color profiles to the PDF file. ✔ Sending reports directly to the chat client through the XMPP/Jabber protocol. ✔ Those, who use Windows Presentation Foundation will most likely be interested in a new example of using FastReport dotnet in this framework - WPFViewer. ✔ In web reports there's now a capability to enable the return button to switch back to the previous report from detail tab  And not only that!     [Core] + added possibility to set picture location (URL) in PictureObject from database + added support of alphanumeric values in GS1-128 barcode * optimized memory consumption - fixed bug with RichObject page break   [Designer] + added possibility to select all tables in DataWizardForm + added CSV database connection - fixed bug with updating the script when loading another report  - fixed bug with updating TextObject.Format - fixed bug with updating TextObject.Border - fixed bug with non-existing connection plugin   [Preview] + added "Exports" and "Clouds" properties in PreviewControl to hide/show exports in the "Save" button drop-down menu   [Exports] + added ability to export text as curves in PostScript and PPML exports + added property FastCloudStorageClient.ReportUrl containing the link to a report after uploading to FastReport Cloud + added possibility to send a report using XMPP/Jabber and FastReport Cloud + added support of PDF/X-4 standard + added CMYK color profile in the PDF export + added property HTMLExport.EnableMargins to use page margins in the output file (default: false) * added possibility of getting images from a stream by GetImage(..) method in XAMLExport, property name ToMultipleFiles changed to HasMultipleFiles - fixed export of GroupHeader and GroupFooter bands in FR3 export - fixed bug with exporting images in Metafile image export - fixed bugs with formatting in OpenOffice Writer (Open Document Text) export - fixed bugs with formatting in Word 2007 (docx) export - fixed bug with font "Meiryo UI" in PDF export   [WebReport] + added property WebReport.ShowBackButton to display the "Back" button (return to previous report in the tabbed report) + added property WebReport.LogFile to log the errors in WebReport, may be combined with WebReport.Debug  + added property WebReport.EnableMargins to use page margins in the output (default: false) + added support of Page.Fill in WebReport + added support of WebReport background color - WebReport.BackColor (default value: White) * changed progress picture - fixed bug with printing from browser any reports with links to detailed report - fixed bug with displaying the scroll bars on 100% width and height - fixed bug with visualization of reports with unlimited page width/height - fixed bug with "Fit Width/Fit Page" zooming in the toolbar - fixed bug with multi-threading - fixed bug with TextObject.ParagraphOffset   [Demos] + added new example \Demos\C#\WPFViewer    [Extras] + added MongoDB connector \Extras\Connections\FastReport.MongoDB   - fixed bug with displaying a list of tables in FastReport.MySQL  [Online Designer] + added support of TextOutline + added slider for rotate an object with Angle property + added property in configuration file (section save_success_redirect) with URL for redirection after successful saving + added two properties in configuration file, section save_success_redirect "useParent" (for using in iframe) and "removeConfirmation" (eliminate showing confirmation leaving dialog with redirection)    
November 02, 2016

New version of FastReport Mono

What's new in FastReport Mono 2016.2? ✔ New build of FastReport.Mono allows to use report generator on Linux in standalone mode without X Window System ✔ Improved quality of PDF export - fixed calculation of font metrics ✔ Speed up embedding fonts in PDF and XPS documents + added message window to script editor- fixed date format* improved PDF export + added < BR > html tag- fixed width of space and missing characters in PDF export- fixed crash on run in console mode (withut X Window Server) under Linux. Just add single line into your code: Utils.Config.DisableUIEvents = true;- fixed bug with Two-Pass single page
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